This Bourbon Pecan Pie starts with perfectly toasted pecans, combined with a creamed butter, maple syrup and bourbon filling, then baked inside a buttery flaky crust. This pecan pie made without corn syrup is a unique twist on the classic.
Prepare the Pie Crust:
Make Filling:
Have a question or looking for tips? The text written above the recipe is always a great first place to start! There are always loads of explanations, tips and technical advice shared before the recipe.
The recipe calls for 1-2 tablespoons of bourbon. If you really want the bourbon to shine, use two tablespoons. If you prefer the flavor to be more in the background, use one tablespoon.
The boiling point of alcohol is 173ºF. What that means is that when the filling reaches that temperature the alcohol will start to burn off. But that doesn't mean that by the time the pie is done cooking, that all the alcohol will 100% have all been evaporated away. To be on the safe side, I'd avoid serving this pie to anybody that cannot or does not want to consume any alcohol.
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